
Rebuild the WordPress website for an Intellectual Property Law Firm and migrate the firm identity from METROLEXIS to METROLEX IP, including:

  • Transition to a more stable WordPress theme for the WordPress content management system.
  • Establish a security profile, an SSL certificate and a firewall.
  • WordPress maintenance: Update WordPress, WordPress plugins and the WordPress theme, scheduled website backups, content updates and webmaster services.


METROLEXIS’ website was created with:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS


METROLEX IP is a team of dedicated and experienced legal professionals who tirelessly serve to develop, perfect and protect your intellectual property rights.

All of their members have extensive backgrounds in patent and intellectual property law with technical specialties in areas such as electronics, mechanics, biotechnology and more. They place a high value on team work and demand a high level of performance from themselves and each other. They have a commitment to quality that involves various levels of team review. The resulting quality and clarity of their work product translates to better communication of their client’s position to their associates, their Patent Office partners, and their clients.